Things have been starting to pick up pace in ISM. Last week, I created my first research assessment. This first research assessment is a taste of what our future assessments will be like. For this assessment, I decided to research the topic of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), so I explored an article related to the topic. While the article did not provide me with a complete, in-depth analysis of M&A, I was able to learn plenty of new concepts that will provide me with better knowledge about the topic. This gained understanding will hopefully allow me to ask intelligent, insightful questions when interviewing professionals.
One thing I did not expect from the article was for it to bring up economic concepts. This sparked my interest in understanding how the two fields of economics and finance interact with and influence each other. Conducting this research assessment has also deepened my desire to research certain topics within the field of corporate finance, such as valuation, debt and equity financing, risk management, and initial public offerings (IPOs). Further knowledge of these topics will provide me with essential knowledge that I can utilize in my future projects.
One thing I have been doing very well on is my time management; I have been able to efficiently balance my time between ISM and the other rigorous classes I am taking this year. This is something I am striving to continue as the school year progresses.