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Final Product & New York!


These past few weeks in ISM have all felt relatively similar in terms of my progress. I have been pretty consistent in making sure I am continuously adding on to my paper both in class and at home.

I am pretty much finished with my financial analysis section. On top of the goodwill, breakdown of the valuation of Slack, and the financing, which I finished two weeks ago, I talked about how multiples, specifically Enterprise Value/Revenue, and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis were used in the transaction. I was really interested in the DCF component because this is something I learned about in some of my earlier research assessments from the beginning of the school year. I also saw a lot of familiar terms in Slack’s 8-k document, such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model, which goes to show how much I have learned through ISM this year.

This long weekend, I visited New York. I was able to go to the financial district and wall street. This was a really cool part of my trip. I got a feel for what working at big firms in New York could potentially be like.


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