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Business Symposium


I attended the ISM annual business symposium this past Thursday, and it greatly enhanced my professional skills and provided me with valuable advice that will help me throughout ISM this year.

I was able to network with professionals from various fields, which exposed me to diverse perspectives. Something I found especially interesting from networking was the discussions about the significance of artificial intelligence in the future. This made me wonder about how artificial intelligence may shape the future of the field of corporate finance.

I also connected with ISM students from different schools. This allowed me to grow my confidence in my networking skills and meet with people who were studying topics similar to mine.

My favorite part of the business symposium was two rounds of interviews with professionals. In the interviews, I was able to practice my professionalism and interview skills and received advice to apply to ISM throughout the school year.

I was also able to learn more about cold calls and e-mails. I know this will be an important component for future networking in ISM, so it is important for me to understand how and when to utilize them.

Looking forward, I am still not entirely sure what I want to do for my original work, so I should keep that in mind as we near closer to the end of the semester.


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