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Gallery Walk & Display Board


Over the past few weeks, I have worked on finishing my display board. I encountered some problems related to formatting and printing but I was eventually able to figure things out, and I was happy with how it turned out in the end. On the board, I included my mission statement, quote, research interviews, secondary research, and a QR code to my original work. It was really cool to see everything I have experienced throughout ISM so far be condensed onto the board.

Last week we had our display boards out for the school gallery walk. I enjoyed being able to see what other students in other classes have been doing and being able to share what I learned with my classmates and teachers. This was definitely good practice for our research showcase which will take place next week and have all ISM students in FISD.

I decided for my next research assessment that I would look into post-merger integration. I think it will be good for me to get a better understanding of the post-merger integration process as I work toward completing my final product.


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