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Thanksgiving Break


I took this Thanksgiving break to catch up with my work in ISM. I managed to get in contact with an M&A consultant working at PwC, and we scheduled a time to meet for a research interview. I am really looking forward to this interview because my original work is related to M&A, so this interview should be really beneficial and interesting for me.

 I also received an email from the assistant of an investment banker I was in contact with. She has not responded to my follow-ups, however.

I used my free weekdays in order to cold-call some companies, but all of them said it would be difficult to set up a research interview.

I also completed my next research assessment. With this assessment, I focused on the different exit strategies used in private equity. I was able to learn a lot from this article, especially the pros and cons of three of the main exit strategies. These include secondary buyouts, trade sales, and IPOs. This information was very beneficial for me as I will incorporate it into my original work.

Altogether, I made some good progress over Thanksgiving break by catching up on interviews and continuing my preparation for my original work.


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